Welcome to my blog, Lady in Red Planner.

Blogging has become a huge part of my life today. I join the blogging world to take myself out of the hectic world into relaxing world, hanging out with blogger friends, share stories and interests. I love sharing my thoughts with so many like-minded people. So far I've met some amazing people through my humble blog. I currently blog about lifestyle and things like that to all my lovely readers. Thank you for supporting me ;-)

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Richiamo Coffee, Pilihan Terbaik Untuk Quick Lunch

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera kepada semua pembaca blog ini.. Pada 22 Jun 2022 lalu, saya dan rakan sekerja bercadang untuk lunch di sebuah cafe berhampiran office kami iaitu Richiamo Coffee cawangan Seremban 2. Lokasi paling tepat berhadapan Kompleks Mahkamah Seremban 2.

Richiamo Coffee Seremban 2